Serving our poor brothers and sisters, going to far flung areas of the country to lend a hand had brought me joy and satisfaction throughout my Nursing Life at the University of Sto. Tomas - College of Nursing.
I was entering my Sophomore year in college when I was asked to join the Red Cross Youth Council of the College of Nursing. My awareness of how life was outside the four (4) corners of my classroom opened numerous doors of opportunities and a lot of realizations and learnings in life.
Being a red crosser stays with you, no matter where life takes you. It is like an anchor that holds you to the ground. Reminds you that we are blessed, with so many things in life and should maximize our potentials and find ways, to return our blessings to other people in everything that we do.
During one of the many trainers' trainings that have taught me so many things about life and self-less service.
Needless to say, i went up the leadership ladder of the PNRC- Red Cross Youth from a curious college sophomore to becoming one of the youngest volunteers to sit as one of the members of the PNRC Board of Governors concurrent National President of the Red Cross Youth.
The Red Cross holds a very big and memorable part in my life, and had been my driving force and inspiration to reach my goals. and brought me to the life i now lead.
Today, equipped with the values that i learned, together with the work ethics that i acquired from my mentors in the Red Cross Youth, I continue to share my experience and skills honed by my mother organization, through the programs and activities of the National Youth Parliament Alumni Associaiotion, Inc.

My fellow parliamentarians in a relax moment after our meeting

Happy moments with my co-officers from the NYPAAI
Giving a talk on Leadership for college students in Cebu City in a forum of the Asia Pacific Group.
Lecture on Leaderhip Management at AUP joint program with the NYPAAI
The members and officers of the NYPAAI at our Leaders' Forum at SM MOA with NYC Chairman Richie Nalupta (my boss)
Elected officers of the NYPAAI -- feb 20, 2010 -- I am currently sitting as NYPAAI president
I hope that through the advocacies we do in the parliament, I am able to be an instrument of change and live up to my ideals as a former youth leader....